Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Special Announcement: Schedule Change

As you guys/gals may have noticed, I've been off my regular schedule for some time now, and there's a reason for that- it's shifted IRL, so, by extension, it needs to shift here. That means no more Monster Monday, Wayback Wednesday or Flashback Friday- but only in name.

Instead, the days that work best for me now are Tuesdays, Thursdays and either Saturday or Sundays. As much as I hate losing the fun alliteration, circumstance breeds change and I have to do what I have to do- it's either that or not do it at all. 

I'll do my best to come up with cute names for everything moving forward- obviously Throwback Tuesday or Thursday is a given, but I'll have to think on the rest. Until then, just know that I haven't abandoned my posts, just shifted them to another day of the week. I'll still be doing old-school horror, sci-fi and cult movie reviews, along with the occasional new review, as per usual. 

In the short term, however, I have been watching as much Oscar bait-y stuff as I can, as well as playing catch-up with the stuff I missed over the course of 2018. For the stuff unlikely to make my best of the year lists, I've been doing new reviews- the rest I'll tackle as they come up on my various impending lists.

I know, I know. By now, a lot of you have been all listed out. But I've always felt like, for those of us who don't have access to free movie passes or movie premieres and the like, it's easier said than done getting to see every movie that comes out to theaters. Hell, some of them don't even make it to a theater near me, as the saying goes.

Back when I was in University, I had a job at the college newspaper reviewing movies, where they basically paid for themselves, along with gas fare and concession money. Pretty sweet gig. I no longer have that job, and with it gone, I have to choose my movies wisely. 

As such, a lot goes by the wayside, so I'm still playing catch-up. I hope to have the last of the biggies- read: big-ticket award nominees- watched and cataloged for my big list in February. I'm about halfway home at this point, so I'm making good time.

In the meantime, like I said, I'll be reviewing the stuff not likely to make the list, and perhaps the occasional oldie when I have time. Also be on the lookout for my best music and TV of 2018 lists as well, sooner than later. 

Thanks for your understanding in advance, and by all means, be sure and drop me a line either here or on social media to let me know what you think I should cover next, including what my next franchise review should be!

Thanks for reading, and look for a new review soon! 😎


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